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University of Denver. School of Nursing



Begins with Nurse Training Program in 1948 and was later discontinued in 1961. In March 1978, a Bachelor of Science of Nursing program is proposed and approved. The program is officially established in August 1978. This became the foundation of the re-established School of Nursing which was established in 1980, accredited in 1982, and discontinued again in 1984.

“Student Nurse Training Program Starts With 131 Women Registered,” The Denver Clarion, vol. 25, no. 37, September 28, 1948, 2.

(March 15, 1978) Bachelor of Science in Nursing Proposal. Received:Vice-Chancellor University Resources. Original Document; Clarion, March 30, 1978; Clarion, April 10 1978; Clarion, August 9, 1978.

Minutes, Board of Trustees, Nov.13-14, 1980.

Today: January 4, 1982f, vol. 3, no. 10, pg. 3; Chris McKenna, “School of Nursing Receives Accreditation To Pursue Baccalaureate Education Style,” The Denver Clarion, vol. 87, no. 23, January 14, 1982, 4.


School of Nursing discontinued in 1961.


Card Catalog- Academic Units; Board of Trustees Minutes – Volume Q: page 391.