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Sally Vinyard Papers, 1940s-2008

Identifier: M128.01


Sally Vinyard: Was born approximately in 1922. “The last American women to leave Vietnam” from BeforeItsNews blogpost. Known as "the last woman out," she was in charge of housing American and South Vietnamese refugees at an evacuation center near the Saigon airport. She was a Defense Department civilian in Saigon during South Vietnam's April 1975 fall, and played a major role in Operation Babylift. She was the chief housing officer in Saigon. Associated... with the NAVY/OICC. Source: Vestiges of Vietnam by Karen Bair, The Herald (Published October 21, 1999)

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  • 1940s-2008


Conditions Governing Access

File folders contain social security numbers:


File folder contains medical record: M128.03.0012.0084


5.58 Linear Feet (4 boxes, (3 record boxes + 1 textile box))

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