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Box 14: China

 File — Box: M437.0014
Identifier: M437.06.0014


Decorative plate: "To commemorate the silver jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II 1952-1977" Teacup: "E and P canada 1959" Drinking cup: "Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II June 2nd 1953" Teacup/mug: "To commemorate the cilver jubilee of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II 1952-1977" Mug: "1952 Elizabeth II silver jubilee 1977" Mug: "Royal silver jubilee 1952-1977 Queen Elizabeth II" Mug: "God save the queen to commemorate the coronation of her majesty Queen Elizabeth... II 1953" Teacup: portrait and latin slogan" Teacup/mug: "Coronation of Elizabeth II June 2nd 1953" Mug: "40th anniversary of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II 1952-1992" Drinking vessel: "to commemorate the silver jubilee of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II 1977 - Englands Kings and Queens" Teacup: "British empire games 1954 Vancouver Canada" Metal cup: "coronation June 2nd 1953 H.M. Queen Elizabeth II" Teacup: "EIIR coronation of Queen Elizabeth II June 2nd 1953" Teacup: "Queen Elizabeth II crowned in Westminster Abbey June 2 1953" Mug: "To commemorate the silver jubilee H.M. Queen Elizabeth II 1952-1977" Teacup: "Queen Elizabeth II Coronation June 2nd 1953" Decorative plate: "The anniversary of H.M. The Queen and H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh 1947-1997" Teacup/mug with feet: "the queen's silver jubilee 1952-1977" Mug: The queen's silver jubilee London Celebrations 1977" Teacup: "Elizabeth II Coronation June 2nd 1953" Teacup: Portrait of Queena and Prince Phillip "Canada" Teacup: "commemorating the royal tour of Australia and New Zealand 1953 1954" Teacup: "to commemorate the silver jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II 1952 1977" Teacup: "coronation of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II" Drinking glass: "coronation of Queen Elizabeth II June 2nd 1953" Teacup: "EIIR" Teacup/mug: "1977 The Queen's silver jubilee" Plate: "Silver jubilee"

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  • Other: Reigned February 6, 1952 - September 8, 2022


1 Linear Feet (1 record box)

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