Oral History Interview with Frank Dolinsek, 1992 January 21, 2006, 1900-1992
In the interview, brothers Frank and John Dolinsek discuss their family history and their early childhood in Aspen, CO. The Dolinsek's discuss their school days in the 1920's and 30's: they kept busy with schoolwork and household chores, which included chopping wood and taking care of livestock. The bulk of the interview is made up of stories and encounters with various people who lived in Aspen including Hannibal Brown, Pan Handle Pete, and Groundhog... Joe. Finally, the brothers voice their displeasure at the high costs of skiing and watching sporting games.[Abstract]
See moreDates
- 1992 January 21
- Digitization: 2006
- Coverage: 1900-1992
Digital Repository
Oral History Interview with Frank Dolinsek
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Copyrights to this resource is held by the Aspen Historical Society and is provided here for educational purposes only. It may not be downloaded, reproduced, or distributed in any format without written permission of the Aspen Historical Society.Any attempt to circumvent the access controls placed on this file is a violation of United States and international copyrights laws and is subject to criminal prosecution.http://http://www.cdpheritage.org/about/copyright.html...
See moreBiographical / Historical
Bio: Frank Dolinsek was born on August 31, 1923 in Aspen, CO. His family lived on 619 South Monarch Street and raised vegetables, hogs, and a cow. He went to Washington School and later Aspen High School. Frank continues to live in Aspen, CO today.
1 Items ; 65 minutes
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Playback cassette tape: TDK D90
Computer Hardware: 3 (total) Intel Celeron 1.8GHz/224 MB RAM PC's (made by PowerSpec), each with a Firewall hard drive (2 made by MicroNet, 1 made by LaCie) and M-Audio Delta Audiophile (internal sound card); External Firewire Hard Drive; Analog Playback Equipment: Nakamichi Dragon, Nakamichi Cassette Deck 1; Analog/Digital Converter: Prism Dream ADA-8XR; Prism Sound Dream AD-2
Operating System: Windows XP; Capture and editing software: Steinberg Wavelab 4.0; Formatting software: Sony Soundforge; Other Devices: Switcher to allow monitoring of multiple transfers.
Basic Map: Nakamichi Dragon -> Analog RCA or XLR -> AD converter -> AES (XLR) -> M-Audio Card -> Software -> External Firewire Drive
Bands mentioned: Elks Band, Roamers, Sis Mcquin's Band.
Title supplied by: Anna L. Scott, archivist. Interview conducted on January 21, 1992. Accompanied by digital transcript.
Names discussed: Frank Dolinsek, John Dolinsek, Nellie Dolinsek, Frank Loushin, Angie Griffith, Harry Brown, Blain Berry, Sparlings, Ruth Hamilton, Claudia Nicholson, Willoughby Brothers, Frances Willoughby, Mrs. Bowman, Hannibal Brown, Frances Kalmes, Warren Connor, Callahans, Elizabeth, Willa, Warren, Jimmy Snyder, Father McSweeny, Horse Thief Kelly, Buttons Tekoucich, Lawrence Elisha, Svea Elisha, Bert Schwartz, Bessie Schwartz, Peggy Rowland, Margie Jenkinsons, Albert Bishop, Deacon Jones, Elsie Snyder, Pan Handle Pete, Art Nicholson, Bert Chisholm, Whispering Swede, Tony the Weasel, Buckshot Parsons, Buckshot Maddalone, Jimmy Debuck, Mrs. Lamb, Dorothy Shaw, Judge Shaw, Joe Sawyer, Groundhog Joe, Dirty Herwick, Mugsy Wilson, Harrington Boys, Jack Shafter, Louis, Sis McQuin, Mona Frost, Pope Rowland, Mrs. Burrella, George Strong, Mrs. Gallagan, Mrs. Early, James Huff, Benedict, Andy Safe, Barbee's, Happy, Bagley, Skyler Swedge, Skyler Swaringer, Fred Pearce, Moses Duflicker, Huey McCabe, Bonine, Mae Anderson, Huey, Sardy's, Bunk Anderson, Louise Burg, Tetterman, Beezy, Leroy Thompson, Connor, Jacksons, Clark, Roy Brennan, Hod Nicholson, Otto Johnson, Billy Target, Vic Goodhart, Trentaz, Hoofy Sandstorm, Club Foot Brown, Lou, Gabby, Slim Willis, Alec Burrella, Garrish, Red Rowland, Morris, Knusten, Bill Loushin.
Place Names: Aspen, Colorado,Roam Hill, Harram Park, Main Street, Still Water, Aspen Mountain, Smuggler Mountain, Midnight Mine, Durant Street, Denver, Grand Junction, Hudson, Basalt, Lazy Glen, Rifle, Fanny Hill, Aspen Street, Express Creek, Eebes, Dean Street, Texas, Buttermilk, Roaring Fork, Hallam Lake, Gerbaz, Hyman Street, Spar Gulch, Tourtelotte Park, Ajax, Tourtel, Bell Mountain, Collins Creek, Maroon Creek, Iselin Park, Castle Creek Road, Blue Lake.
Business', Buildings, Organizations, Schools: No Problem Bridge, Malie's Saloon, Boogies, Bohman Saloon, One Bohman, Les Chefs, Washington School, Mesa Store, Armory Hall, City Hall, Sparky's, Albert Bishop at the Grill, Aspen Historical Society, Aspen Plaza Building, American Legion Baseball, Boney's, Aspen High School, Hotel Jerome, Slaughter House Bridge, Elks Building, Isis, 600 Bldg, Impressions Bldg, D&RG Railroad, Grand Aspen, Forest Service, Hyman Mall, Columbine, Bone Eye Shoe Shop, Beezy's Restaurant, Clark's, Midnight Mine, City Market, Aspen Square, Butcher's Block, Tagert's Lake, Greasy Spoon, Silver Grill, Burrella, Ski Company, City of Aspen Street Department, Jake's Abbey.
Books and newspapers mentioned: "Aspen Times."
- Aspen Historical Society (Organization)
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections and Archives Repository