The Denver Clarion, vol. 72, issue 56, 1968 May 22
Identifier: clarion_v072i56_19680522
Trustees make decision on sit-in. History of sit-in, dismissal controversy examined. Opinion on DU sit-in and expulsion varied. Coed killed, former Phi Kap prexy hurt in Friday evening auto accident.
- 1968 May 22
From the Collection: 73.5 Linear Feet
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From the Collection:
This collection consists of business and administrative files from the Clarion office, as well as records representing digital surrogates of the Clarion print holdings in Special Collections and Archives. It also contains some loose copies of Clarion issues that are surplus to the Special Collections and Archives print holdings.
- From the Collection: University of Denver (Organization)
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Part of the Special Collections and Archives Repository