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"Feast of King David" Dinner, 2003, 2006, 2008

Identifier: B464.03.0003.0004


This box contains promotional and planning materials for the "Feast of King David" dinner, a fundraising event hosted by Congergation Zera Abraham. Included in this folder are three handwritten notes indicating seating arrangments, a packet of the names of congregation members and checkboxes to indicate their attendance/payment, a variety of save the date forms including the cost of the event and a description of the activities, a newspaper clipping... from Intermountain Jewish News announcing the second annual event, and a series of invitations. Two invites from 2003 include a light purple background with a picture of a stone castle wall with white and yellow text on top providing the details of the event. Three invites from 2006 depict a gold harp against a red baground with white and gold text describing the details of the event and RSVP instructions. The three invites from 2008 feature the same design as 2006, though one of the three invites is against a green background. Finally, three packets from 2005 and 2006 provide the name and donation amount of attendees.

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  • 2003, 2006, 2008


From the Collection: 2 Linear Feet