Feldman Documents, Marked Copy of ''Method and Theory of Ethnology'' by P. Rabin, between 1950-1970
Identifier: M145.06.0013.0018
This folder contains a marked up photocopy of the whole book ''Method and Theory of Ethnology'' by Rabin.
- between 1950-1970
From the File: 1 Items : record box
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Scope and Contents
From the Series:
Series 6 consists of folders whose content pertains to Feldman's scholarship on the idea of mythology. This research applied to a range of projects including the book he co-authored with Robert Richardson, ''The Rise of Modern Mythology: 1680 - 1860''. The research and notes also apply to a potential sequel to that work, as well as to a paper on mythology that Feldman authored.
Title supplied by archivist.
- From the Collection: Feldman, Burton (Person)
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections and Archives Repository