1952 Cast of "La Boheme", 1952
Identifier: M123.03.0070.0005.00017
Photo sheet of the 1952 Central City production of 'La Boheme' presented in Cenrtal City, Colorado.Sheets include photographs of Jean Gibbons, Ann Ayars, Algerd Brazis, Michael Bondon, Davis Cunningham, Hugh Thmpson and Chester Watson.
- 1952
1 Items (photograph)
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Scope and Contents
From the Series:
This series contains photographs and other graphic materials pertaining to the Central City Opera House and the Central City Opera festivals from the 1932 - 2013 festival seasons.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
8 x 10 inches black and white
Title supplied by archivist.
- From the Collection: Central City Opera House Association (Central City, Colo.) (Organization)
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections and Archives Repository