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Burning Me Open : [Patterns, Sample Shapes and Cut Stock], 2011

Identifier: M341.0001.00006


Patterns and cut pieces of copper leaf for the artist's book, Burning Me Open. The rigid pages that make up the text block are constructed of several layers, a sandwich (from the bottom up) of etched cast acrylic, copper leaf shapes and etched cast acrylic. The pattern shows which shape is used with the specified text; the samples have been cut with a laser. Handwritten notes by the artist on the printout of the pattern, and on cards inserted with the cut sheets.


  • 2011



1 Items (7 sheets)

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

Copper leaf, paper. 28 centimeters or smaller


In plastic bag.

Inscription and Marks

Handwritten on cards: "Example of copper leaf with PMA on both sides before removal of PMA carrier. When PMA is removed, a sticky surface is exposed, making it possible to adhere the copper leaf shape to another surface" "Sheet of copper leaf/PMA from which shapes have been cut out via laser cutter" "Second version of leaf shapes - further refined before final production" On pattern: "Final version of copper leaf shapes - produced by copper leaf monted both sides to positionable mounting adhesive then cut out via laser cutter"


Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections and Archives Repository

2150 East Evans Avenue
Denver CO 80208
(303) 871-3428