Prospects for Research on Schizophrenia Work Session, between 1971 May 9-11
Participants of the Prospeccts for Research on Schizophrenia Work Session stand for portrait. First row, left to right: Eugene Roberts; Douglas Bond; James Neel; Norman Garmezy; Seymour S. Kety, Work Session Co-chairman; Francis O. Schmitt, Chairman; Steven Matthysse, Work Session Co-chairman; Loren Mosher; Paul E. Meehl; Solomon H. Snyder; George K. Aghajanian. Second row, left to right: Phillip Sapir; Luigi Luka Cavalli-Sforza; Gerald M. Edelman;... Fred Plum; Fred Elmadjian; David Hamburg; Joseph F. Lipinski; Jerome Kagan; Frederic G. Worden, Executive Director; Emil L. Smith; Detlev Ploog; David Rosenthal; Hans-Lukas Tueber; Ava Nash, Writer-Editor; Joanne Belk, Writer-Editor. Third row, left to right: Floyd E. Bloom; Shlomo Yehuda; Max Cynader; Jose-Luis Diaz; John Fernstrom; Glen Dudley, Staff Scientist; Lewis Mokrash, Staff Scientist; Benjamin Snyder; Theodore Melnechuk, Director of Communications; Gene P. Sackett; Gardner C. Quarton; Theodore T. Puck.
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- between 1971 May 9-11
Digital Repository
Prospects for Research on Schizophrenia Work Session
Language of Materials
% of materials in English.
Rights and Usage Statement
Copyright not evaluated: The copyright and related rights status of this Item has not been evaluated. Please refer to the organization that has made the Item available for more information. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. See:
1 Items (photograph)
Scope and Contents
Contains photographs, color and black and white, of individuals and items related to the Eleanor Roosevelt Institute for Cancer Research.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
10 x 8 inches black and white
Title from paper attached to photograph.
Inscription and Marks
Paper attached to photograph: ''NEUROSCIENCES RESEARCH PROGRAM, PROSPECTS FOR RESEARCH ON SCHIZOPHRENIA WORK SESSION, May 9-11, 1971, 1. Floyd E. Bloom, 2. Shlomo Yehuda, 3. Max Cynade,r 4. Jose-Luis Diaz, 5. John Fernstrom, *6. Glen Dudley, Staff Scientist, *7. Lewis Mokrash, Staff Scientist, 8. Benjamin Snyder, *9. Theodore Melnechuk, Director of Communications, 10. Gene P. Sackett, 11. Gardner C. Quarton, 12. Theodore T. Puck, 13. Phillip Sapir, 14.Luigi Luka Cavalli-Sforza, 15. Gerald M. Edelman, 16. Fred Plum, 17. Fred Elmadjian, *18. David Hamburg, 19. Joseph F. Lipinski, 20. Jerome Kagan, *21. Frederic G. Worden, Executive Director, 22. Emil L. Smith, 23. Detlev Ploog, 24. David Rosenthal, 25. Hans-Lukas Tueber, *26. Ava Nash, Writer-Editor, *27. Joanne Belk, Writer-Editor, 28. Eugene Roberts, 29. Douglas Bond, 30. James Neel, 31. Norman Garmezy, 32. Seymour S. Kety, Work Session Co-chairman, *33. Francis O. Schmitt, Chairman, 34. Steven Matthysse, Work Session Co-chairman, 35. Loren Mosher, 36. Paul E. Meehl, 37. Solomon H. Snyder, 38. George K. Aghajanian, *Staff.'' Includes outlined, numbered images of photograph.
- Aghajanian, George K.
- Belk, Joanne
- Bloom, Floyd E., 1936-
- Bond, Douglas
- Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi Luka, 1922-
- Cynader, Max, 1947-
- Diaz, Jose-Luis
- Dudley, Glen
- Edelman, Gerald M., 1929-
- Elmadjian, Fred
- Fernstrom, John
- Garmezy, Norman
- Hamburg, David
- Kagan, Jerome
- Kety, Seymour S., 1915-2000
- Lipinski, Joseph F.
- Matthysse, Steven
- Medical research personnel
- Meehl, Paul E., 1920-2003
- Melnechuk, Theodore
- Mokrash, Lews
- Mosher, Loren, 1933-2004
- Nash, Ava
- Neel, James V. (James Van Gundia), 1915-
- Ploog, Detlev, 1920-
- Plum, Fred, 1924-2010
- Puck, Theodore T. (Theodore Thomas), 1916-2005
- Quarton, Gardner C.
- Roberts, Eugene
- Rosenthal, David M., 1939-
- Sackett, Gene P.
- Sapir, Phillip
- Schmitt, Francis O., 1903-1995
- Smith, Emil L., 1911-2009
- Snyder, Benjamin
- Snyder, Solomon H., 1926-
- Tueber, Hans-Lukas, 1916-1977
- Worden, Frederic G.
- Yehuda, Shlomo
- From the Collection: Eleanor Roosevelt Institute (Denver, Colo.) (Organization)
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections and Archives Repository