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DU Art

Identifier: U205


Collection contains Picture of dragon stair railing Slotkin Collection of Bible Facsimiles Jerusalem in Ancient Prints, copy 125 ''The Trail Makers'' Piegon Indians, Montana, Copyright 1912 by Roland W. Reed Wooden Legs - Cheyenne Indian - Cheyenne Reservation, Montana The First Sail - Ojibway Indians, Red Lake Reservoir, MN, copyright 1907 Roland W. Reed Little Indian Kachina Paintaing - signed Awa Tsireh - San Idelfonso 25 of 50 Two views of stylized... horses by Woody Crumbo ($1,000 for new 11/2010) Lagopus Hyperboreus birds by Henry Jones (first proof) Booklet of bird paintings by Henry Jones PS3750.U755 O94 1999 Tursi, Mark - Overlapping and Oblivious to the Other: For Russell Edson. PS3569.W375 G37 1004 Swenson, Cole- The Garden as the History of a Queen. PS3552.R697 B373 1981 Brown, Rebecca - The Barbarian Queen. PS3559.R95 P64 2004, Irwin, Mark - Poem. OS3552,R6819 I363 1979 Broumus, Olga - Imogene Knode. Collection also contains am edieval manuscript page mounted and secured between glass. Possibly the item described as a 15th Century book page given to the Barrett Room at CWC by Dr. and Mrs. Robert Fisher. Valued at $4,500 at time of donation. Acquired with the CWC acquisition in 1982.

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  • Other: 1400-2018



1.75 Linear Feet (2 containers)

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