Jews -- Colorado -- Charities
Subject Source: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Found in 51 Collections and/or Records:
Tucker and Eisenberg Digitized Scrapbooks
Identifier: B299
Collection contains 2 digitized scrapbooks from Richard B. Tucker (Denver area banker and philanthropist) from 1968 through 2003 and one scrapbook about David E. Eisenberg (violinist) from 1922-1944. Richard B. Tucker's mother, Sylvia Eisenberg Tucker, was David E. Eisenberg’s sister.
More about 'Jews -- Colorado -- Charities'
- Topical
- Jews
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- Colorado
- Topical
- Charities
Additional filters:
- Type
- Archival Object 35
- Collection 16
- Names
- Allied Jewish Federation of Colorado 10
- Jewish Family and Children's Service. (Denver, CO) 8
- Levy, Tillye Shulman (Matilda), 1895-1984 6
- Denver Sheltering Home for Jewish Children (1907-1927) 5
- General Rose Memorial Hospital 5
- Independent Order of B'nai B'rith. Denver Lodge No. 171 (Denver, Colo.) 5
- National Home for Jewish Children in Denver (1928-1952) 5
- Beth Israel Hospital and Geriatric Center (Denver, Colo.) 4
- B'nai B'rith. Anti-defamation League. Mountain States Regional Office 3
- Denver Chapter of Hadassah 3
- Ex-Patients' Tubercular Home (Denver, Colo.) 3
- National Asthma Center (U.S.) (1973-1977) 3
- Rosenberg, Nathan 3
- Tucker, Richard B., 1929-2009 3
- American Legion. Department of Colorado 2
- Cohen, Faye R., 1906-2003 2
- Cohen, Will (William), 1900-1993 2
- David, Ray (Ray Sarah Morris), 1864-1945 2
- Grossman, Sydney Harold, 1908-1981 2
- Katz, Moses M., 1899-after 1982 2
- National Council of Jewish Women. Denver Section 2
- National Jewish Hospital (U.S.) 2
- Pells, Harry J., 1898-1991 2
- Rocky Mountain Jewish Historical Society 2
- Rose Community Foundation 2
- Stein, Morris 2
- University of Denver. Center for Judaic Studies 2
- University of Denver. Center for Judaic Studies. Ira M. Beck Memorial Collection of Rocky Mountain Jewish History 2
- Aaron, L. Robert (Leo Robert), 1912-1998 1
- Abrams, Jeanne E., 1951- 1
- Allied Jewish Community Council of Denver 1
- American Jewish Committee, Colorado Chapter 1
- Appel, Elaine Monderer 1
- Bikur Cholim Society (Denver, Colorado) 1
- Blumberg, Benjamin M., 1911-1978 1
- Boguslawski, Moissaye 1
- Charity Organization Society (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Cohen, Delphine 1
- Colorado Committee of Concern for Soviet Jewry 1
- Eisenberg, David E., 1901-1957 1
- Frankel, Henry 1
- Friedman, Rhoda 1
- Friedman, Sheldon 1
- Grossman, Abraham 1
- Grossman, Adeline 1
- Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America 1
- Harry Pells Insurance Agency 1
- Hayutin, Murray Paul, 1937- 1
- Hebrew Progressive Club of Greeley (Greeley, Colo.) 1
- Hirschfeld family 1
- Hirschfeld, Edward, 1907-1984 1
- Hoffman, Lillian, 1913-1996 1
- Independent Order of B'nai B'rith 1
- Industrial Removal Office 1
- JEWISHcolorado 1
- Jacobs, Frances Wisebart, 1843-1892 1
- Jacobs, Mary N., 1904-1992 1
- Jewish Consumptives' Relief Society (U.S.) 1
- Jewish Relief Society (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Jewish Social Service Federation (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Kauvar, Belle Bluestone 1
- Kauvar, C. E. Hillel, Rabbi, 1879-1971 1
- Kline, David 1
- Kneseth Israel 1
- Ku Klux Klan (1915- ) 1
- Linas Hazedek of West Denver 1
- Lorber, Fannie E. (Fannie Eller), 1881-1958 1
- Miller, Lewis I., 1895-1956 1
- Miller, Morton 1
- Milstein, Channah, 1847-1930 1
- Morris, Helen 1
- Mosko, Joseph 1
- National Jewish Health (U.S.) 1
- Neumann, Alfred M. 1
- Phi Sigma Delta 1
- Pisko, Seraphine Eppstein, 1861-1942 1
- Posner-Mayer, Joanne 1
- Robert E. Loup Jewish Community Center 1
- Robinson, Samuel, 1900-1982 1
- Rocky Mountain News 1
- Rose Medical Center 1
- Rothberg, Abraham, 1898-1993 1
- Schayer, Charles M., Jr., 1913-1997 1
- Schayer, Milton M. (Milton Mincha), 1876-1935 1
- Segall, Alby 1
- Stein Family 1
- Steinhauser, Sheldon 1
- Streltzer, John E. (Ellis), 1901-1985 1
- Szold, Henrietta, 1860-1945 1
- Union of Councils for Soviet Jews 1
- Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America 1
- United States. Marine Corps 1
- University of Denver 1
- West End Press (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Yaffe, Fannie Mae, 1903-1994 1
- Yaffe, Harry, 1924-2004 1
- Yeshiva Toras Chaim (Denver, Colo.) 1
- Zwerin, Raymond A., 1936- 1 + ∧ less
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