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Series 8, P-R

Identifier: B111.08


(22) file folders include: L. M. (Rache) Palinbaum, Professor M. Robert Pepper, Phillipe Family, Mrs. Louis A. Pollock, Quiat Family Tree, Max Rabinoff, David Rafflelock, Abraham L. Raich, Margaret Richman, Martin Ritzewoller (Rikewoller), Ruth Richman, H. Roth, Maurice Rose, Ben and Rose Rosenbaum, Samuel and Sarah Rosenberg, Sam Rosenbloom, Fred Rosenstock, Rosenwald Family, Dan Rosenzweig, Sadie Rosenzweig (Rosenblatt), Libby Rosen, Dora Harris... and Robert Peyser, and the Pepper/Pfeffer Family.

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  • Coverage: 1836-2017

Language of Materials

From the Collection:

Materials are predominantly in English; some materials are in German or Hebrew.


From the Collection: 5.0 Linear Feet (10 containers) : 10 legal document boxes

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