Lou Sidmin , 1948-1991
Louis (Lou) Sidman was born in Boston in 1920 and passed away in October of 2004. As regional director of the Anti-Defemation League (ADL), Sidman was instrumental in drawing attention to the lack of civil rights for and the strong presence of discrimination toward members of the minority communities in Denver, including not only Jews, but also Native Americans, Latinos, and African Americans among others. He also served as Mayor Newton's secretory... on the Committee for Human Relations in the late 1940s.
See moreDates
- 1948-1991
4 Items : Four (4) documents.
Scope and Contents
File contains correspondence of and 1948 article by Louis E. Sidman on "The High Cost of Prejudice." File also contains a copy of a letter Sidman sent to Dr. Saul Rosenthal, the regional director of the Anti-Defamation League, a copy of the response of the national head of the Anti-Defamation League after Sidman resigned, and a copy of a page of The Denver Post from June 15, 1950.
Louis Sidman was the president of the Anti-Defamation League, Mountain States Regional Office.
- From the Collection: University of Denver. Center for Judaic Studies. Ira M. Beck Memorial Collection of Rocky Mountain Jewish History (Organization)
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections and Archives Repository