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The Denver Clarion, vol. 31, issue 24, 1955 April 15

Identifier: clarion_v031i24_19550415


All-School nominations set for coffee hour on April 15, 1955. Inside the Clarion – five men and a coed have applied for the editorship of the 1955-1956 Clarion; during coffee hour on April 15, 1955 the candidates for the all school elections will be nominated; changes in fraternity philosophy and purpose; reference to the opening speech made by J. Robert Oppenheimer. The fourth DPA play of the season “The Crucible” will run at the Little Theater on... for two weeks beginning April 21, 1955. DU United Fund Drive goes full steam ahead. May Days delirium sneaking up on Denver’s Pioneers. Walt Anderson receives the award for the outstanding student athlete from athletic director Tad Wieman. Parking cleanup on Saturday.

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  • 1955 April 15


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