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Box 8: Accreditation Materials, 1990-1999

 File — Box: U003.0008
Identifier: U003.0008


This box contains two folders (U003.0008.0001 and U003.0008.0004) with materials from the Department of Anthropology that were used for NCA (North Central Association of Colleges and Schools now the HLC or Higher Learning Commission) Accreditation in 1990 and 1999. The materials include a self studies, course information, information on the academic program, mission and goals, sample student questionnaires, and faculty information.

This box also contains...
a bound Self Study report from the Anthrpology Department created in September, 1993. There is also a folder (U003.0008.0003) that contains drafts of this self study and communications about the self study and the Anthropology Department.

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  • 1990-1999



1 Items (Letter Document Box)

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