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Box 103: AACSB Accreditation Self-Study Evaluation Report, 1999

 File — Box: U011.0103
Identifier: U011.0103


This box contains the Daniels College of Business Self Study from 1999. This self study was for Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) Accredutation. The sefl study consists of nine (9) bound reports: a Response to a Previsit Letter, the self study evaluation report, Appendix A: Supporting Tables and Figures, Appendix B: Documents, Appendix C: Faculty Data Sheets, Appendix D: Faculty Vitae Vol. 1, Appendix D: Faculty Vitae Vol.... 2, Appendix D: Faculty Vitae Vol. 3, and Appendix E: Syllabi.

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  • 1999



1 Items (Standard Record Box)