Olympic Athletic Club, 1913
Head and shoulder portraits of members of the Leadville Olympic Athletic Club. Left to right, top to bottom: Abner First, Al L. Feller, Carl W. Bott, George Thorne, Harry L. Wallaesa, Rob E. Aylward, H. R. Northrop, T. V. Gallagher, Henry P. O'Neill, Ernest W. Owen, John B. Ryan, William P. Burkhardt, William J. McDonell, Emil E. Jantzen, John M. Dunn, H. W. Simmons, James T. McMahon, Newton L. Miller, Quentin D. Bonner, David Schayer, Art Baker,... Mark J. Cornick, Edward F. Sehrt, Will Conley, Amos R. Mitchell, James King, Ross Pearson, E. L. Magnee, Walter F. Smith, Ward D. Morrell, James Considine, Ray Parker, Harold Robinson, John Anderson, Wilson P. Lane, H. R. Cunningham, Earl F. Horner, Thomas Simpson, Thomas E. Fennell, Gus Ovren, Thomas F. Slavin, Frank J. Verzani, Robert Aymer, Julius Muller, Christian Monberg, Clifford C. Simms, Thomas McLaughlin, Otto Thurn, George T. Chase, Michael J. Kelly, C. J. Burkhardt, Erwin Lockhart, L. W. Figgen, Charles F. Townsend, Dan A. McDonell, Harry Willy, Maurice Miller, and Bernhard C. Mulligan.
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- 1913
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Rights and Usage Statement
This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. In addition, no permission is required from the rights-holder(s) for educational uses. For other uses, you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s). http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC-EDU/1.0/
1 Items (photograph)
Scope and Contents
The collection contains materials intentionally assembled by the Ira M. and Peryle Hayutin Beck Memorial Archives of Jews in the Rocky Mountain region. The bulk of the photographs are from or related to various towns in Colorado, but the collection also contains photographs from other states in the western United States and other countries. There are some 19th century photograph types represented in the collection, including albumen prints, daguerrotypes, tintypes, post cards, colorized prints, cabinet cards, and cartes-de-visite.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Good 8 x 10 inches black and white
Donated by Minette Miller.
Title supplied by archivist.
Inscription and Marks
Handwritten on back of photograph: ''#357, Olympic Athletic Club, Leadville Colorado 1913, Maurice Miller Bottom 2nd from R., David Schayer 4th row center.'' Printed on front of photograph: ''Abner First, Al L. Feller, Carl W. Bott, George Thorne, Harry L. Wallaesa, Rob E. Aylward, H. R. Northrop, T. V. Gallagher, Henry P. O'Neill, Ernest W. Owen, John B. Ryan, Wm. P. Burkhardt, William J. McDonell, Emil E. Jantzen, John M. Dunn, H. W. Simmons, James T. McMahon, Newton L. Miller, Quentin D. Bonner, David Schayer, Art Baker, Mark J. Cornick, Edward F. Sehrt, Will Conley, Amos R. Mitchell, James King, Ross Pearson, E. L. Magnee, Walter F. Smith, Ward D. Morrell, James Considine, Ray Parker, Harold Robinson, John Anderson, Wilson P. Lane, H. R. Cunningham, Earl F. Horner, Thomas Simpson, Thomas E. Fennell, Gus Ovren, Thomas F. Slavin, Frank J. Verzani, Robert Aymer, Julius Muller, Christian Monberg, Clifford C. Simms, Thomas McLaughlin, Otto Thurn, George T. Chase, Michael J. Kelly, C. J. Burkhardt, Erwin Lockhart, L. W. Figgen, Charles F. Townsend, Dan A. McDonell, Harry Willy, Maurice Miller, Bernh C. Mulligan.''
- Anderson, John
- Athletes
- Aylward, Rob E.
- Aymer, Robert
- Baker, Art
- Bonner, Quentin D.
- Bott, Carl W.
- Burkhardt, C. J.
- Burkhardt, William P.
- Chase, George T.
- Clubs
- Colorado
- Conley, Will
- Considine, James
- Cornick, Mark J.
- Cunningham, H. R.
- Dunn, John M.
- Feller, Al L.
- Fennell, Thomas E.
- Figgen, L. W.
- First, Abner
- Gallagher, T. V.
- Horner, Earl F.
- Jantzen, Emil E.
- Jews
- Kelly, Michael J.
- King, James
- Lane, Wilson P.
- Leadville (Colo.)
- Lockhart, Erwin
- Magnee, E. L.
- McDonell, Dan A.
- McDonell, William J.
- McLaughlin, Thomas
- McMahon, James T.
- Miller, Maurice
- Miller, Newton L.
- Mitchell, Amos R.
- Monberg, Christian
- Morrell, Ward D.
- Muller, Julius
- Mulligan, Bernhard C.
- Northrop, H. R.
- O'Neill, Henry P.
- Olympic Athletic Club
- Ovren, Gus
- Owen, Ernest W.
- Parker, Ray
- Pearson, Ross
- Robinson, Harold
- Ryan, John B.
- Schayer, David
- Sehrt, Edward F.
- Simmon, H. W.
- Simms, Clifford C.
- Simpson, Thomas
- Slavin, Thomas F.
- Smith, Walter F.
- Thorne, George
- Thurn, Otto
- Townsend, Charles F.
- Verzani, Frank J.
- Wallaesa, Harry L.
- Willy, Harry
- From the Collection: University of Denver. Center for Judaic Studies. Ira M. Beck Memorial Collection of Rocky Mountain Jewish History (Organization)
- From the Collection: Rocky Mountain Jewish Historical Society (Organization)
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections and Archives Repository