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Haskell Cohen, 1964 August 24

Identifier: B111.02.0002.0011


Dr. Haskell M. Cohen (1875-1964) was considered a pioneer in Colorado medicine and surgery. After receiving his primary degree from an adjunct college of Columbia Universityin 1899, Cohen went to Vienna and Berlin for advanced medical study, and stayed there from 1904-1911 when he returned to Denver. Cohen was Chief of Surgery at Mercy Hosiptal for many years, and was a founder of Beth Israel Hospital. He also sat on the Medical Advisory Board and Board of Trustees at national Jewish Hospital, as well as a founder of Denver's B'nai B'rith Lodge. In 1903 while working in Cripple Creek, Cohen gained recognition for being the first recorded surgeon to perform a successful manual heart massage to revive a patient during surgery. He was also winner of the Colorado State Tennis Championship in 1914.


  • 1964 August 24


From the File: 1 Items : legal document box