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The Denver Clarion, vol. 32, issue 5, 1955 October 11

Identifier: clarion_v032i05_19551011


Class nominations on October 11, 1955 – Arts and Science in Little Theater, Bizad in Room 247 and Engineers in E1-1. Dr. Margaret Mead is first Social Science Foundation Lecturer on October 17, 1955. Chancellor Alter welcomes US Air Academy. Paul Plath named “Apron King” at Fall Ball. Homecoming Chairmen to meet in Pioneer Room. Patricia Beck, was featured as a cover girl on a woman’s magazine in Spain. Sponsor Corps Deadline; Voting by Cadets October... 15, 1955. All-School Dance hosted by Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma. Clarion Football contest opens with today’s issue (October 11, 1955).

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  • 1955 October 11


From the Collection: 73.5 Linear Feet

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