Hebrew Educational Alliance (Denver, Colo.)
found: NUCMC data from Judah L. Magnes Museum for Celia Ragooland scrapbook, 1928-1932 (Denver Hebrew Educational Alliance; collection contains a scrapbook with a poster about the dedication of the Denver Hebrew Educational Alliance)
found: Hebrew Educational Alliance WWW, Jan. 24, 2007 (on June 17, 1920, the Denver Hebrew Institute [no publs. in LC database] was incorp. with the mission to provide a Jewish education for the growing numbers of Jewish youth living in the are of West Colfax. In the fall of 1926, through the efforts of Mrs. N.H. Chernyk and Mrs. S. Friedman, the Beth David Sisterhood [no publs. in LC database] was founded; by 1928, the Sisterhood had succeeded in interesting a number of local men in their efforts to create new facilities for Jewish education and the Beth David Brotherhood [no publs. in LC database] was formed; in Nov. 1928, the Beth David group and the Denver Hebrew Institute, wanting to work together to encourage Jewish education, formed an alliance; the newly created Hebrew Educational Alliance, with William Yoelin serving as it first president, acquired a gift of ten lots; on Oct. 25, 1932, Rabbi Manuel Laderman arrived to serve as the first Rabbi of the Hebrew Educational Alliance; congregation grew and flourished; third synagogue planned and completed; variants: Congregation Hebrew Educational Alliance; HEA)
Found in 132 Collections and/or Records:
Sermons, 1938
This folder contains two sermons. The first is titled, "Hear, O Israel," and was delivered February 25, 1938. The second is titled, "What Hope in the New Year," and was delivered on the first day of Rosh HaShanah (September 26), 1938.
Sermons, 1939
This folder contains two sermons. The first is titled, "Are we on Trial," and was delivered on September 15, 1939 (the second day of Rosh HaShanah)--just 12 days after England entered World War II. The second sermon is titled, "In G-d we Trust," and was delivered on September 23 at the Yizkor service during Yom Kippur.
Sermons, 1940
This folder contains two sermons that were delivered on the first and second days of Rosh HaShanah. The first sermon is titled, "Is There Room for Optimism," and was delivered on October 3, 1940. The second sermon is titled, "And Where is G-d," and was delivered one day later on October 4.
Sermons, 1941
This folder contains four sermons.
1. Freedom in an Enslaved World - April 12, 1941 - First day of Passover
2. In Sight of G-d - April 19, 1941 - Eigth day of Passover, Yizkor Service
3. Return, Oh Israel - September 22, 1941 - First day of Rosh HaShanah
4. A World in Travail - September 23, 1941 - Second day of Rosh HaShanah
Sermons, 1942
This folder contains three sermons.
1. Watchman, What of the Night - September 13, 1942 - Second day Rosh HaShanah
2. Does Religion Need Symbols? - November 5, 1942
3. Faith of our Fathers - November 14, 1942 - Delivered at Rodfei Zedek, Chicago, IL
Sermons, 1943
This file contains six sermons.
1. Heroism - January 8, 1943
2. Untitled - March 7, 1943 - Labeled "Detroit"
3. Hear, Ye Men - September 30, 1943 - First day of Rosh HaShanah
4. Israel and the World - October 1, 1943 - Second day of Rosh HaShanah
5. The Bitter and the Sweet - October 9, 1943 - Yom Kippur, Yizkor Service
6. Faith of our Fathers - November 26, 1943 - Friday evening
Sermons, 1944
This folder contains four sermons.
1. The Right Perspective - September 19, 1944 - Second day of Rosh HaShanah
2. The Certainties of Life - September 27, 1944 - Yom Kippur, Yizkor Service
3. Religion and Politics - November 3, 1944
4. The Challenge to Youth - November 17, 1944
Sermons, 1945
This folder contains three sermons.
1. Lest we Forget - May 19, 1945 - Second day of Shavuot
2. Creating Your Own Book of Life - September 8, 1945 - First day of Rosh HaShanah (in duplicate)
3. After Victory, What? - September 9, 1945 - Second day of Rosh HaShanah (in duplicate)
Sermons, 1947
This folder contains one sermon.
1. Hear, Ye Nations - September 16, 1947 - Second day of Rosh HaShanah
Sermons, 1948
This folder contains four sermons.
1. The Jewish Way of Life - March 19, 1948
2. What Does Life Hold for You? - October 4, 1948 - First day of Rosh HaShanah
3. We are New-Born This Day - October 5, 1948 - Second day of Rosh HaShanah
4. For the Words of our Mouths - October 12, 1948 - Kol Nidrei