Hebrew Educational Alliance (Denver, Colo.)
found: NUCMC data from Judah L. Magnes Museum for Celia Ragooland scrapbook, 1928-1932 (Denver Hebrew Educational Alliance; collection contains a scrapbook with a poster about the dedication of the Denver Hebrew Educational Alliance)
found: Hebrew Educational Alliance WWW, Jan. 24, 2007 (on June 17, 1920, the Denver Hebrew Institute [no publs. in LC database] was incorp. with the mission to provide a Jewish education for the growing numbers of Jewish youth living in the are of West Colfax. In the fall of 1926, through the efforts of Mrs. N.H. Chernyk and Mrs. S. Friedman, the Beth David Sisterhood [no publs. in LC database] was founded; by 1928, the Sisterhood had succeeded in interesting a number of local men in their efforts to create new facilities for Jewish education and the Beth David Brotherhood [no publs. in LC database] was formed; in Nov. 1928, the Beth David group and the Denver Hebrew Institute, wanting to work together to encourage Jewish education, formed an alliance; the newly created Hebrew Educational Alliance, with William Yoelin serving as it first president, acquired a gift of ten lots; on Oct. 25, 1932, Rabbi Manuel Laderman arrived to serve as the first Rabbi of the Hebrew Educational Alliance; congregation grew and flourished; third synagogue planned and completed; variants: Congregation Hebrew Educational Alliance; HEA)
Found in 132 Collections and/or Records:
Hebrew Educational Alliance 30th Anniversary Dinner Program, 1992 February 5
Excerpts from the 30th Anniversary Dinner: A Tribute to the 20 Founding Families of the Hebrew Educational Alliance.
Hebrew Educational Alliance Confirmation Class of 1943, 1943
The Hebrew Educational Alliance confirmation class of 1943 are standing in two rows. Flowers are in front of the class and the girls are holding flowers. There is a painting of the ten commandments and decorative doves behind the class. Rabbi Manuel Laderman stands in the center of the first row. The Hebrew Educational Alliance was a modern Orthodox synagogue formally founded in 1932 and became the largest congregation on Denver's west side.
Hebrew Educational Alliance Records
Hebrew Educational Alliance Talmud Torah Class, 1958
Thirteen young men and women wearing graduation caps and gowns pose with seven men during their Talmud Torah class graduation from Hebrew Educational Alliance. Identified graduates are Bernie Papper, Lawrence Heller, and Howard Weiner.
Hebrew Educational Alliance Talmud Torah Class, 1953
Several young men and women stand on stage in Congregation Hebrew Educational Alliance wearing graduation caps and gowns with two men during their graduation from Sunday School.
Historic Jewish Sites in Denver, 1992
Exterior view the Hebrew Education Alliance in Denver, Colorado.
Jacob and Charlotte Gordon and their Daughters, circa 1920
Jacob Gorden Papers
Jacob Gorden who was a Schohet, Talmudic scholar, and later a mohel, emigrated to Denver in 1914 from Kolki,Russia to join his uncle, Velvel Heller. Soon Jacob had saved enough to bring his wife Charlotte and daughter Bess over, and the family settled on the Denver's west side. Two more daughters and a son were born in the family. Collection contains papers and notes related to Jacob Gorden from 1920, documents, and digitized photographs from circa 1900 to 1969.
Jacob Lefkowitz Cantorial Melodies
Letter and Bas Mitzvah Addresses, 1944-1952
Contains Bas Mitzvah addresses given by Jewish girls at the Hebrew Educational Alliance. There is also a letter to Rabbi Irwin Gordon of the Union of Orthodox Congregations explaining the Bas Mitvah procedures at the Hebrew Educational Alliance.