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Political Activism, 1968-2015

Identifier: M517.07.0004.0004


Materials pertaining to Professor Gilbert's political activism over his career, including: a letter regarding his position on various social issues; a metter to the Harvard Strike veterans; a piece by Gilbert entitled "ROTC: SDS challenges the liberal position;" a piece entitled "SDS Threatens ROTC Confrontation;" a letter thanking Gilbert for speaking at the Ambassadors of Hope III summer institute at the Veterans of Hope project; a flyer for INCAR... entitled "Workers' Struggles Have noBorders - Join INCAR;" a flyer protesting Gov. Lamm's comments on end-of-life care; a Take Back the Night flyer from 2003; an editorial submitted to the Denver Post on the arrest of several student protesting at Iliff School of Theology; a letter thanking Gilbert for speaking to the Colorado House of Representatives against racist mascots; a pamphlet entitled "Racism at UCLA: The Case of HUmberto Bracho;" a pamphlet entitled "A UCLA Center for Psychosurgery?;" and a flyer entitled "Anti-Violence Center Initiative."

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  • 1968-2015



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