Found in 23 Collections and/or Records:
"Americans by Choice" Distinguished Service Award, 1972-1988
Folder containes fourteen nomination letters suggesting Maria Lowenstein for the Americans by Choice Distinguished Citizen Award including letter from the DAR and the YWCA. Also included is the citizenship day even program from September 17, 1972 and two newspaper clipplings with Maria mentioned and pictured. Lastly a letter from Henry in 1988 informing the Citizenshp Day committee of his mothers passing in 1982 after they had invited her to the celebration.
Baskin Family, 1911-1990
Bernard Hurwitz, 1887-1981
Bernard Hurwitz emigrated to Denver from Poland in 1882, his passage paid by the Rothschild family. He was a scholar and teacher, sold Manischewitz matzos for Pesach, and served as president of the Mizrachi Society. He helped found Chevro Mishno for the study of the Scriptures.
Bernard Hurwitz Documents, 1887-1919
Contains the Naturalization Certificate of Bernard Hurwitz (1887) and a Certificate from "The Provisional Executive Committee for General Zionist Affairs to Bernard Hurwitz "in recognition of services rendered to the Zionist Cause during the Emergency of the Great War."
Box 5, 1904 - 2010
Box 5: Government and Fraternal Documents, 1900 - 1920
This portion of the box contains: an induction certificate to the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, government issued documents, and the high school graduation diploma for Florence Creamer.
Documents, 1895-1936
Folder contains identity papers, work documents, passports, immigration papers, Air Force documents, naturalization papers, and 1938 Nakhshon Limited shares from Haifa.
Friedland Family Tree, 1885 - 1997
Family trees, certificate of naturalization, and notes about the family.
Friedland Miscellaneous, 1906 - 1983
Certificate from the Ellis Island Wall of Honor, Conversation with Joseph and Babe Friedland, a mason certificate, family information, and naturalization records.
Friedland Ship Manifests, 1885 - 1906
Ship manifests from Homburg, Germany to New York City and naturalization records.