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Racism at DU - Lawrence Mosqueda, ca. 1981

Identifier: M517.07.0003.0016


Papers pertaining to the Affirmative Action complaint and lawsuit surrounding the decision on the part of the DU Political Science department not to hire Prof. Lawrence Mosqueda due to his race. File includes: Prof. Mosqueda's affirmative action complaint; the resignation of Dennis Judd as Chairperson of the Department of Political Science in protest of the refusal to hire Prof. Mosqueda; the October 21, 1981 issue of the Metropolitan, featuring a... front page article entitled "UCD prof suing, claims DU racist;" a "Justice in Employment Litigation Fund" document entitled "Issues and Events Regarding the Mosqueda-Judd Litigation Against the University of Denver; an INCAR pamphlet entitled "Racism at DU: The Cases of Lawrence J. Mosqueda and Jerome R. Corsi;" a flyer for a talk about racism in higher education; and a petition in favor of reinstituting Prof. Judd as head of the Political Science department;.

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  • ca. 1981



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